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2.泰国的旅游景点用英文介绍 泰国的旅游景点用英文介绍怎么写

3.英语介绍旅游景点简单一点 用英语介绍一个旅游景点

4.求一篇英语作文 关于旅游路线的 详情是下面

5.用十句英语介绍你旅游景点 英语介绍一个旅游景点



       Xishuangbanna is located in the eastern part of Yunnan province. Is the most famous tourist attractions. Now, I will introduce you to the 2 days in Xishuangbanna Lu you's route. First day: After breakfast along China's first through the tropical rain forest Highway arrives at the AAAA scenic yexianggu, visit the butterfly garden lizard, snake, Monkey Park, Park Bainiaoyuan, tree at its own expense, take on the elevated corridor that crosses the rainforest cableway sightseeing, visit tree hotel, enjoy the unique Elephant show. Second day: After breakfast, tour of the sights in the original forest park, check out time is about 3 hours. After dinner, at its own expense participate in large bonfire night — for Lancang River, Mekong River night. Overall we will ride the bus tour.

泰国的旅游景点用英文介绍 泰国的旅游景点用英文介绍怎么写

       ?Leave your home and go strait.?

Turn right and cross the street.

Turn right and? walk aross the supermarket.

Turn right at the left and walk along on the street.

? Then you can reach the park.

英语介绍旅游景点简单一点 用英语介绍一个旅游景点


       普吉岛(Phuket Island),泰国南部岛屿,位于泰国南部马来半岛西海岸外的安达曼海(Andaman Sea)。首府普吉镇地处岛的东南部,是一个大港口和商业中心。普吉岛是泰国最大的海岛,也是泰国最小的一个府。以其迷人的风光和丰富的旅游资源被称为“安达曼海上的一颗明珠”。普吉岛自然资源十分丰富,有“珍宝岛”、“金银岛”的美称。主要矿产是锡,还盛产橡胶、海产和各种水果。岛上工商业、旅游业都较发达。

       Phuket Island (Phuket Island), the southern Thailand Island, located in the west coast of Thailand the southern Malay Peninsula and the Andaman Sea (Andaman Sea). The capital of Phuket Town is located in the southeast of the island, is a major port and commercial center. Phuket Island is Thailand's largest island, is a minimal house in Thailand. With its charming scenery and rich tourism resources, known as the "Pearl of the Dammam sea". Phuket Island is very rich in natural resources, "Chen-pao Island", "treasure island" reputation. The main mineral is also rich in tin, rubber, seafood and fruits. The island of industrial and commercial, tourism is developed.


       Chiang mai temple is the northern city of Chiang mai's oldest temple, built in the 15 th century, stupa cascade is strewn at random, carve heavy and complicated, the base number of honour made by an elephant statue of the ancient city of Chiang mai-down from generation to generation, and elephant city that have a close relationship. Temple consecrate a Buddha 1800 years ago and a statue of Buddha crystal 2500 years ago, is the marble of figure of Buddha and curiosities.



       The Kingdom of Thailand is called Thailand for short.


       It is a constitutional monarchy in Southeast Asia.


       Thailand is located in the central part of the Central South Peninsula.


       It borders the north, Myanmar and the Andaman Sea in the west, Laos in the northeast, Cambodia in the southeast and Malaysia in the south.


       Thailand is a member and founder of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), as well as a member of APEC, ASEM and WTO.










        Chiang mai temple is the northern city of Chiang mai's oldest temple,built in the 15 th century,stupa cascade is strewn at random,carve heavy and plicated,the base number of honour made by an elephant statue of the ancient city of Chiang mai-down from generation to generation,and elephant city that have a close relationship.Temple consecrate a Buddha 1800 years ago and a statue of Buddha crystal 2500 years ago,is the marble of figure of Buddha and curiosities.











































        展开全部 Chiang mai temple is the northern city of Chiang mai's oldest temple, built in the 15 th century, stupa cascade is strewn at random, carve heavy and plicated, the base number of honour made by an elephant statue of the ancient city of Chiang mai-down from generation to generation, and elephant city that have a close relationship. Temple consecrate a Buddha 1800 years ago and a statue of Buddha crystal 2500 years ago, is the marble of figure of Buddha and curiosities.清迈寺是泰国北部城市清迈最古老的寺庙,始建于15世纪初,佛塔层叠错落,雕琢繁复,底座由数尊大象雕像做成——相传清迈古城的建城,与大象有着密切的关系。















        我们还去体验了海底潜水、坐了飞艇、玩了降落伞和海上冲浪,非常快乐的一天,让我流连忘返的是海上冲浪,惊险又 *** !接下来的几天里,我们去了泰国的芭提雅和当地的风情街,品尝了当地的很多美食,感受到泰国的浪漫和开放,人们朴实而热情,特别是丰盛水果大餐和海鲜大餐,让我回味无穷。






        最佳答案I went to Hainan on vacationSummer es , and the weather has bee irritating. My big sister suggested going to Hainan for a good relax. I thought about it for a while and agreed. Hainan is really a good place, where palm trees are abundant. We went to a park where we enjoyed cool palm drinks. We also went to visit the monkey island. The monkeys were really cute to look at. 夏日来临,天气变得惹人心烦. 我大姐建议去海南好好放松放松. 我想了一会,同意了.海南真是个好地方,棕榈树无处不在. 我们去了一个公园,在那里我们享受到了冰凉的椰子汁.我们还参观了猴岛.猴子们看起来真可爱.After we came back from the travel, we found that our bodies have bee stronger and healthier than before. My sister told me that she planned to travel again next year.我们从旅途返回后,我们发现身体比以前更结实了,健康了.我的姐姐告诉我她明年还打算旅游一次.We really enjoyed this trip. We were very happy! 我们真的很享受这次旅途.我们好开心!


        语言一、常用旅游英语旅行journey, trip旅游 tour旅行推销员 mercial traveller(美作:travelingsale *** an)旅游者tourist旅行指南itinerary旅行路线route游览pleasuretrip商务旅行businesstrip出境游outbound touri *** ;outbound travel出境游客outbound tourist背包旅行者 backpacker自由行 freewalker环程旅行circular tour往返旅行return journey; round trip单程旅行ouard journey套餐游;包办游 package tour;inclusive tour远足excursion;outing探险expedition旅行支票traveller's cheque旅游散客independent traveler旅游团 tourgroup度假区holiday resort票ticket票价 fare单程票single ticket往返票round-trip ticket;return ticket半票half-price ticket乘飞机 Takethe flight护照passport签证 visa证件papers安全通行证 safe-conduct, pass起飞 takeoff落地touch down登记牌boarding pass办理登机手续 check in候机室departure lounge航班号flight number国际抵达处 international arrival国内抵达处 domestic arrival航站楼terminal行李Luggage推行李车luggage barrow私人用品personal effects团体行李group baggage行李票claim tag行李牌handbag tag行李标签label行李房luggage office行李搬运车 baggage train航运收据airway bill手提行李 handluggage住宿Acmodation旅馆hotel汽车旅馆motel提供一夜住宿和早餐的旅馆 BB青年招待所 youth hostel豪华饭店luxury hotel公寓旅馆residential hotel寄宿公寓boardinghouse空房vacant room套房suite旅馆大厅lobby旅馆登记薄 hotel register登记check-in结帐check-out预定房间reservation行李托管证 baggage check接待reception登记表registration form单人房间single room双人房间double room门房porter侍者bellboy清理房间的女服务员 chambermaid餐厅领班headwaiter半膳 halfboard全膳 fullboard在一家旅馆住宿 to put up at a hotel订房间 tobook a room折扣discount二、机场常用词汇:国际机场 international airport国内机场 domestic airport机场候机楼 airport terminal国际候机楼 international terminal国际航班出港 international departure国内航班出港 domestic departure入口 in出口 exit; out; way out进站(进港、到达) arrivals不需报关 nothing to declare海关 customs登机口 gate; departure gate候机室 departure lounge航班号 FLT No (flight number)前往...... departure to起飞时间 departure time延误 delayed登机 boarding登机手续办理 check-in登机牌 boarding card货币兑换处 money exchange; currency exchange护照检查处 passport control immigration中转 transfers中转旅客 transfer passengers报关物品 goods to declare出租车乘车点 Taxipick-up point大轿车乘车点 coachpick-up point厕所 toilet; W. C; lavatories; rest room三、酒店及餐厅篇酒店大堂: lobby酒店叫早服务: morningcall早餐几点开始供应? What time can I have breakfast?餐厅里点菜的时候,一般菜单上会有,配合看英文菜单,基本上都不会有问题,如果碰到没有的,也不用担心,仔细看看,有规律可以找的:首先,是菜的材料,比如:鱼 fish鸡蛋 egg鲈鱼 Bass鸡肉chicken金枪鱼 Tuna牛肉 beef鳗鱼 eel 猪肉 pork三文鱼Salmon泰国常见的一种海鱼 Snapper,分红色和白色两种,适合BBQ鱿鱼sleeve-fish/Squid 乌贼 Squid墨鱼cuttlefish螃蟹 crab蟹肉条 Crabstick龙虾lobster(大的)/rocklobster(小一些的)小虾、基围虾 shrimp 黑色椭圆形贝壳 Mussel对虾,明虾,大虾 prawn 生蚝,牡蛎 oyster虾仁Peeled Prawns 扇贝(小) scallops大虾 KingPrawns 小贝肉Cockles虎虾Tiger Prawns 蛤蚌clams海鲜seafood 田螺Winkles蘑菇mushroom 蒜Garlic番茄tomato 洋葱onion土豆potato 空心菜morning glory米饭 rice面条/米粉 noodle/rice noodle白米饭 steamedrice 云吞(馄饨) wonton然后,是烹饪方法,比如蒸、清蒸steamed 烤grilled或者roast炖、蒸braise BBQ烧烤、烤baked炒的、嫩煎的 sauté 凉拌菜、色拉 salad炒fried 汤 soup油炸 deepfried用旺火煸炒 stir-fry掌握了上面这两点,基本上一般的英文菜单就能看明白了,无非就是烹饪方法加上菜的材料的组合,大致是什么东西就心里清楚了。

        friedegg就是炒鸡蛋,fried beef就是炒牛肉。


        要想更进一步了解菜是什么味道,那就继续往下看英文菜名的标准格式是烹饪方法+主材,而很多菜名在这个以外还会有with加上说明,用来描述加了什么辅材或者是调料,比如:...汁 ....sauce 咖喱 curry...酱 ....paste 黑胡椒 black pepper有点酸甜的酱料 soya sauce 辣的 spicy酸辣口味 TongYum 不要加辣 Nospicy鱼露 fishsauce这样组合起来就很容易看得明白菜单了,比如泰式炒空心菜:fried morning glory with Thai style咖喱炒蟹:fried crab with curry paste海鲜炒饭:fried rice with seafood好吃的(牛肉/猪肉/鸡肉/鱼丸)米粉汤:rice noodle soup withbeef/pork/chicken/fishballs再有就是些固定的西餐名词,比如牛排:steak / 三明治:sandwich

求一篇英语作文 关于旅游路线的 详情是下面


       以下是一篇关于介绍深圳旅游景点的英语作文,可以介绍欢乐谷 锦绣中华,民俗文化村,世界之窗啊等等: Shenzhen is one of China's top tourist destinations, attracting millions of visitors each year. Its pleasant seashore and well-preserved forests have made


       Shenzhen is one of China's top tourist destinations, attracting millions of visitors each year. Its pleasant seashore and well-preserved forests have made up for its lack of stately mountains and rivers, and earned it the title of "International Garden City."

       Another magnet comes from its theme parks, with a great variety of features ranging from folk culture to a retired aircraft carrier. Distinctive sceneries, fabulous shows and stunning experiences: the parks' charms never seem to fade.

       And don't forget this is a modern metropolitan, where high-rise buildings and green space intermingle perfectly. It is a financial center, a transportation hub, and home to many first-rate hotels and restaurants. Here you will never fail to find a cuisine that arouses your appetite and curiosity,

       For tourists, this is a city of convenience, leisure and endless fun.

       Theme Parks in the Overseas Chinese Town A magnet for tour groups, the Overseas Chinese Town (Hua Qiao Cheng) in Nanshan District features four distinctive theme parks sitting side by side. A monorail commutes around the parks in the area

       Chinese Folk Culture Villages

       Right next to Splendid China, the folk culture park dazzles with the histories and mysteries of the country's ethnic groups. Scattering around the 180,000-sqm park are 24 villages built in 1:1 ratio, inhabited by real ethnic people who present their traditional arts, customs, languages and cuisines. Traditional culture performances are held there every day. Like Splendid China, the park is also heavily forested.

       Happy Valley

       This is a place for kids and families. Usually packed on weekends by families, the fun park offers more than 100 attractions ranging from the thrilling Space Shot to the lovely cartoon-themed

       events. It also holds daily performances of various themes.

       Window of the World

       Like Splendid China, this 480,000-sqm park features more than 130 miniature replicas of scenic and cultural wonders. The difference is that these are landmarks from all over the world. Here you can find the Golden Gate Bridge and the Niagara Waterfall of the United States, the Kremlin of Russia, Italy's Pisa Tower, Egyptian pyramids, the Taj Mahal of India and an Eiffel Tower built in 1:3 ratio.

       Although these replicas would probably not attract Western visitors much, the park's daily dance performance and regular carnival-like events are of great fun. Beautifully illuminated at night, it is also an impressive city scene.

       用英语介绍自己家乡的旅游景点 还要带翻译 谢谢

       My hometown is a small town in the south of China which is sorrounded by clean water and green mountains .You can see trees and flowers everywhere.The air there is very fresh .It 's warm in winter and cool in summer ,which is v。


       景点名称 所在城市

        漓江风光 桂林

       漓江是世界上风光最秀丽的河流之一。 漓江发源于“华南第一峰”桂北越城岭猫儿山,那是个林丰木秀,空气清新,生态环境极佳的地方。漓江上游主流称六峒河;南流至兴安县司门前附近,东纳黄柏江,西受川江,合流称溶江;由溶江镇汇灵渠水,流经灵川、桂林、阳朔,至平乐,长160公里,称漓江。 漓江两岸的山峰伟岸挺拔,形态万千,石峰上多长有茸茸的灌木和小花,远远看去,若美女身上的衣衫。江岸的堤坝上,终年碧

       两江四湖 桂林

        漓江、桃花江、木龙湖、桂湖、榕湖、杉湖谓之两江四湖。桂、杉、三湖宋已有之,今之木龙湖本为陆地。为沟通漓江与内湖之水脉,掘土45万余方,乃成。因与漓江之交汇处有木龙古渡之胜景,其上木龙洞在焉,故曰木龙湖。 两江四湖景区遍植名树、名花、名草,造榕树、银杏、雪松、水杉、木兰、棕榈诸园,以改善桂林中心城之生态;架设名桥19座,以增加江湖之灵气;恢复、修建古之名楼、名塔、名亭万余平方米,以增桂林

       象鼻山 桂林

        象山公园 地处市中心的漓江与桃花江汇流处,园内自然山水与人文景观相辉映。象山,栩栩如生,引人入胜,被人们称为桂林山水的象征。 象鼻山 位于市内桃花江与漓江汇流处, 是桂林名山之一, 主要景点有水月洞、象眼岩、普贤塔、宏峰寺及寺内的太平天国革命遗址陈列馆等。附近还有隋唐开元寺仅存的舍利塔。水月洞紧靠江边, 漓水流贯其间, 如水中浮月,山石垂入水中又如象鼻饮水漓江, 景致极佳, 唐宋以来

       芦笛岩 桂林


       The scenic spot name city

        Lijiang River scenery Guilin

       Lijiang River is one of world winning side light most beautiful rivers. The Lijiang River origin in “the South China first peak” north the cassiabarktree the yuecheng ridge cat mountain, that is Lin Fengmu Xiu, the air is fresh, ecological environment extremely good place.Upstream the Lijiang River the mainstream calls six cave rivers; South flows to Xing'an County Si Menqian nearby, east accepts the cork river, west receives the rivers, the confluence name dissolves the river; By dissolves the Jiangzhen to collect the spirit Qu, flows after Lingchuan, Guilin, Yangshuo, to Pingle, the long 160 kilometers, calls the Lijiang River. Lijiang River both banks mountain peak great tall and straight, the shape great amount, on the pinnacle is much long has the soft and thick bush and the floret, looks by far, if on beautiful woman body clothing.On the river bank dike, the blue two jiangs

       four lake Guilin Lijiang River

       , peach Huajiang, wooden Long Lake, Gui Hu, the banyan tree lake, the cedar lake say all year long the two jiangs four lakes.The cassiabarktree, the cedar, three lake Song Yi have it, wood of Long Lake now originally is a land.In order to communicate the Lijiang River water course of with in lake, excavates 450,000 sides, is becomes.Therefore says wooden Long Lake. The two jiangs four lake scenic areas spread plant the famous tree, the precious flower, the famous grass, makes the banyan fig, the gingko, the deodar cedar, the metasequoia, the Lily magnolia, the palm various gardens, improves ecology of the Guilin center city; Erects famous bridge 19, increases divine and wonderful spirit of the rivers and lakes; Restores, constructs ancient name building, famous tower, the famous pavilion ten thousand square meters, increases the Guilin。Xiangshan, lifelike, fascinating, is called by the people the Guilin scenery the symbol. Local the trunk mountain is located peach Huajiang and the Lijiang River afflux place, is one of Guilin famous mountains, the main scenic spot has the water arch, in the elephant eye crag, the Pu virtuous tower, the great peak temple and the temple Taiping Heavenly Kingdom revolution ruins exhibition hall and so on.The nearby also has the stupa which Sui and Tang dynasties Kaiyuan Temple only saves.During the water arch abutting waterfront, flowings the current of water to pass through, like in the water floats the month, Shan Shichui enters in the water like the trunk potable water Lijiang River, the view extremely is also good, since the Tang Song

       the reed flute crag Guilin

       reed flute layers west Guilin the northern suburbs, have been apart from the town center 5 kilometers, is one take tours the grotto primarily, the ornamental scenery rural scenery as the auxiliary scenery scenic spot area.Reed flute grotto deep 240 meters, tourist itinerary 500 metersIn the hole has the massive wonderful foothills varied, the exquisitely carved stalagmite, the stalactite, the stone column, Shi Man, the stone is colored, dazzling, has composed lion landscapes and so on range rosy-colored clouds at dawn, red silk gauze valuable account, p'anlung sc gd pagoda, virgin forest, crystal palace, Mt. Huaguo, makes the tourist to be eyes cannot take it all in, the like fairyland, by the reputation is “the nature palace of art”.From the Tang Dynasty, all previous dynasties all has the tourist trail, present hole memory all previous dynasties mural 77 pieces.From 1959 discovered and opens



       China is home to many famous mountains, such as the “Five Great Mountains”, the four sacred peaks of Buddhism, Huangshan and Lushan. Mountain areas cover two-thirds of the country.

       “The Five Great Mountains,” located in the central China, were named according to the cardinal points on the compass, including Mount Tai to the east in Shandong Province, Mount Hua to the west in Shaanxi Province, Mount Heng to the south in Hunan Province, Mount Heng (same sound but different character in Chinese) to the north in Shanxi Province, and Mount Song in the center in Henan Province.

       Mount Tai is in central Shandong Province to the south of the Yellow River, the second longest river in China. Its highest peak, Yuhuangding, is 1,545 meters above sea level, but absolute altitude and relative altitude are the highest within a circumference of several thousand kilometers. Since the Qin Dynasty (221-209 B.C.) many Chinese emperors held various sacrifices and religious rites on Mount Tai, making the mountain a holy site. The Dai Temple at the foot of the mountain and steles on the mountain itself reflect the ancient culture of the area.


       Beijing is a city with a very long history. Grand palace exemplifies, layout, regulation, richly luxurious elegant buildings, there are many rare relics collection, is our country ancient architecture and culture, the essence of art."The man", not to Beijing Great Wall, like to swim, Shanghai not god is unthinkable. So far, including Nixon, Margaret thatcher, more than 300 people had boarded the world famous badaling in here, you can miss shanhe thorn?Beijing has too many sites to discovery, go for a walk。

       长城 The Great Wall

       故宫 The Palace Museum(TheForbidden City)

       人民大会堂 Great Hall of the people

       颐和园 The Summer Palace

       香山 The Fragrant Hill

       天安门广场 Tian An Men Square

       人民英雄纪念碑 Monument to the People's heroes

       毛主席纪念堂 The Memorial Hall of Chairman Mao

       天坛 The Temple of Heaven

       雍和宫 Lama Temple

       亚运村 Asian Games Village

       圆明园 Garden of Gardens

       民族文化宫 The Nationalities Cultural Palace

       十三陵 The Ming Tombs

       首都体育馆 The Capital Gymnasium

       中国人民历史博物馆 Museum of Chinese History and the Chinese Revolution

       中国人民歌名军事博物馆 Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution


用十句英语介绍你旅游景点 英语介绍一个旅游景点

       米思出国英语Hello, Mr. James. I am Wang Li. I am glad to tell you something about a travel routine you may be interested in. The coach will be the most effective transport that can take you directly to The Yellow Mountain from The city of Hefei where you have currently lodged. You will spend approximately 2 hours on the motorway and This fare would be 50 Yuan ( about 6 US Dollars) .Once you will have arrived in the destination, there is a 3 star hotel , 4 Seasons, that I have made a reservation for you, just down the coach station. It is the hotel telephone number : 1234567 . You may confirm the reservation through the phone line. (不带开头已给单词 97wors)

       The coach will be the most effective transport that can take you directly to The Yellow Mountain from The city of Hefei where you have currently lodged. 这句话使用了2个定语从句(that 定从, where 定从)使用从句可以让你的写作看起来更加的正式,表示了你对对方的尊重。

       You will spend approximately 2 hours on the motorway and This fare would be 50 Yuan ( about 6 US Dollars) . 这是一个and 并列句,把“路上的时间”和“长途汽车票价”连接了起来,and并列句的好处是把一些“零碎的信息”连接起来,不至于让信息显得太琐碎。

       Once you will have arrived in the destination, there is a 3 star hotel , 4 Seasons, that I have made a reservation for you, just down the coach station. 这里使用了一个状语从句,和一个同位语,它们的好处是可以包含丰富的信息,这样可以更加详细介绍“四季酒店”。

       It is the hotel telephone number : 1234567 . You may confirm the reservation through the phone line. 结尾使用了2个简单句,简洁明了的做个总结。

       不带开头已给单词 97wors)


       马上就要到暑假了,不知道同学们接下来有没有和家长一起出行旅游的计划。下面我用英文为大家介绍推荐几个国内旅游的热门景点,欢迎大家阅读 收藏 。


       China's Great Wall is in the human history of civilization the greatest architectural engineering, it builds more than 2000 year ago Spring and Autumn Period Warring States times, after the Qin dynasty unifies China, connects the Great Wall. The Chinese, the bright two generations once massively constructed. Vast its project, grandness imposing manner, being possible be called world miracle. Roll on, the thing is the human must, now you when mounted in former days Great Wall's ruins, not only could witness that meandered in the hills high mountains Great Wall grand appearance, but could also understand the Chinese nation creation history great wisdom and courage. the 1987 year in December Great Wall is included "World heritage Name list".


       Summer Palace is one of the biggest and beautiful royal garden. It is also one of the royal heritage which is kept well. It was established in1764,and has290 hectare. During Summer, the Emperor will go there for relax, to avoid the high temperature in the Forbidden City. In the Summer Palace ,it has a Kunming lake and Longevity Hill. We can veiling a boat in the Kunming Lake, or climb the Longevity Hill to visit the Chinese temple which on the mountain. It is a nice place for us to visit and tdce rest.


       The Kunlun Mountain Pass is a very important onealong the Qinghai-Tibet highway at the altitude of 4 757 meters.In this area, there are many snow peaks and mountains.In June,the Spring brings green to trees,grass andflowers blossom everywhere in Golumd but at theKunlun Mountain Pass,it is snowing heavily so that it has become the unique natural scenery of Golumd.During July to August, The Kunlun Mountain Pass becomes a green and blossom place for tourists.


       Xishuangbanna is the southernmost prefecture of Yunnan Province. The prefecture is nicknamed "Aerial Garden" for its luxuriant and multi-layered primitive woods and tropical rain forests, which are teeming with animals and plants.

        Renowned as a huge natural zoo, Xishuangbanna's rain forest and monsoon jungles provide a habitat for nearly 1000 species of animals. Within thick and boundless forests wild elephants and wild oxen ramble about, with peacocks in their pride, gibbons at play, and hornbills whispering.

        Thirteen species of wild life enjoy state protection, including loris, the gibbons, the red-necked cranes, the brown-neck horn-bills, and the green peacocks, which to the Dai people are a symbol of peace, happiness and good fortune and whose graceful postures can put professional dancers to shame. The region has 5,000 kinds of plants or about one-sixth of the total in China. This has earned it the renown and sobriquet "The moonstone on the Crown of the Kingdom of Plants".

        Among these are such fascinating ones as the "color-changing flower" whose colors change three times daily and the "dancing herb" whose leaves rotate gently. Then there is "mysterious fruit" which reverse tastes, turning sour to sweet.

        Species of trees that go back a million years are still propagating themselves. The "King of Tea Trees ,"which authorities say is at least 800 years old, continues to sprout, adding extraordinary splendor to the homeland of the famous Pu'er tea. In Xishuangbanna, there is a saying: "Even a single tree can make a forest and an old stalk can blossom and beat fruit ."



       Chengdu, located in Sichuan Province, is a beautiful place.


       The city is exquisitely decorated and well-designed, attracting a large number of tourists every year.


       Chengdu has a large number of tourist attractions, such as Wangjiang Park, dujiangba, etc. these attractions are easy to reach, and the cost is not high.


       And with the rapid development of economy, Chengdu has become an international metropolis.


       Why don't you come to this magical city to have a rest and have a look at the beautiful scenery?





       Gulangyu is a small island of Xiamen. It’s like a garden on the water. Cars and buses are not allowed to drive there,which makes the island so quiet that music played on the piano and violin can be heard.


       Here the sky and the sea clearly meet on the horizon. When standing at the top of the Sunshine Rock,you can see much of the landscape of Xiamen,and when standing at its foot,you can gaze at the beautiful garden that surrounds it.


       Gulangyu produces bananas,coconuts,sugar cane and so on. The people here,warm,simple and hardworking,are making every effort to make the island more beautiful and they hope to welcome more visitors in the future.


       Such is Gulangyu,a beautiful and inviting island,where a warm welcome awaits




       adj. 风景优美的;舞台的;戏剧的

       n. 风景胜地;风景照片


       This is an extremely scenic part of America.



       n. 旅行者,观光客

       adj. 旅游的

       vt. 在旅行参观

       vi. 旅游;观光

       adv. 坐旅游车厢;坐经济舱





       优美的旅游景点能让人流连忘返,你知道怎么用英语 句子 来介绍景点吗?下面我为大家带来介绍景点的常用英语句子,欢迎大家学习。


       spring is a lot of rain,summer is hot,autumn is the best season in a year,it is cool and busy ,winter is cold and sonetimes snowy.


        That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.


        The travelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscapes.


        Strong technical skills enhance a beautiful scene that compares traditional and contemporized architectural styles.


        This extraordinary natural preserve shelters a primeval forest, the continent’s largest population of brown bears, sizeable packs of wolves, and a host of other creatures which have all but disappeared elsewhere



        A creek twines the vast green field just like the blue color satin ribbon, a distant place modelling is being plain, color harmonious hut, a school of beautiful moving rural scenery!


        An ancient windmill, windmill's wind leaf opens likely the wing, rotates against the wind, with the green grass, the wild flower constituted the unique view this fairy tale world addition mysterious color!





        A right color bright, fine gorgeous, is drafting the happy love sabot likely! Also has that magnificent tulip to fall the season which innumerable sweetheart ...... the tulip smells as sweet, the tender and beautiful charming girl's smiling face like flower passes on fragrantly ......

        Spooky bund, windmill, green grass, den, satisfied prosperous curcuma fragrant flowers field, intermittent fragrant, windmill long extension! This is the dream?




        The high construction is also one kind of artware, is classical, is graceful, looks like a rich paint color painting! everywhere is filling the green, is also fluttering including the air green grass taste all around green and glossy, the green startled colorful, the windmill also stops down, is infatuated with in the beautiful scene ......


        Spring renews the earth.


        The country is very green in spring

        The flower looks like an angel, unfolded in the wind, under the sun


        I am deeply impressed/attracted by the scene before me.

        Once three years ago, I went to Qingdao, three years later when I again set foot on this piece of land of Qingdao, I was deeply attracted by her beauty, such as the one after an absence of long-lover ... ...


        golden butterfly you! whom you are dancing in it not smile flowers, grasses lost their luster. oh, i see, you are in the garden that little daisy eyes.


        however, some of them try to make good use of their vacations in gaining their working experiences in summer.

        summer is the second season in a year. it is between spring and autumn. the sun of summer is the hottest; the water of summer is the warmest; the places of interests in summer are the most crowded throughout the world.

        autumn, the ripe fruit. the pears, the bright red apples, is the sparkling grape. a cool breeze blowing, fruit child nodded, emitting a scent attractive children.


        all in all, i love summer very much! you should start practicing your english from now on.

        the rain was killing the last days of summer,you had been killing my last breath of love, since a long time ago.


        that is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.


        the trees were naked during autumn.


        Summer is the second season in a year. It is between sprin
