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简介景区票务系统介绍英文_景区票务系统介绍英文翻译       接下来,我将为大家详细解析一下景区票务系统介绍英文的问题,希望我的回答可以解决大家的疑惑。下面,让我们来探讨




2.求英文酒店介绍 翻译一下~~ THANK U
















































































































求英文酒店介绍 翻译一下~~ THANK U



        摘 要:在开放的国际环境下,中国吸引着越来越多的游客观光游览。但是,由于诸多因素的影响,当前的公示语英语翻译水平依然不能令人满意。本文通过以红安天台山风景区公示语英语翻译存在的问题为例,分析公示语英语翻译现状、成因,并提出自己的建议。 关键词:公示语英译 功能 分类 成因 对策


        1. 公示语的定义及其分类



        (1)指示性公示语:指示性公示语体现的是周到的信息服务,没有任何限制、强调意义,其目的在于向公众提供某种相关信息。如:Ticket&Travel Center票务与旅游中心,Public Toilet 公共厕所等。

        (2)提示性公示语:提示性公示语没有任何特指意义,仅起提示作用。如:Please Pay Here 请在此付款,Restricted Height 3m限高3m 等。

        (3)限制性公示语:限制性公示语对相关公众的行为提出限制、约束,语言直截了当,但语气较弱,且不会使人感到强硬、粗暴、无理。如:Handicapped Only 残疾人通道,Construction Site No Admittance施工现场 禁止入内等。

        (4)强制性公示语:强制性公示语要求相关公众必须采取或不得采取任何行动,语言直白、强硬、没有商量余地。如:No Photography严禁拍照,No Briefing of Groups禁止导游讲解等。

        2. 公示语英语翻译现状及其分析




        2.1 错误翻译


        逐字逐句的翻译将中文生硬的翻译成英文,极易让大众产生对公示语翻译错误的印象。在天台山自然风景区的入口处发现“天台山欢迎你”的英文公示竟为“Tian Taishan Welcome ”,我们且不说其中天台山的英文翻译,仅就welcome 一词的用法来说,也是不符合英语搭配习惯的,笔者认为不妨将其译为大众比较容易接受的“Welcome to Tiantai mountain ”。至于其中的天台山的翻译笔者将在下文中有所体现。


        在许多的翻译作品中,拼音的使用已数见不鲜,不过经常用于人名、币值等的翻译。据对所收集资料的分析,发现不恰当的拼音使用也是造成错误翻译的一个重要原因。在上文中,对于外国游客而言,“shan ”这个汉语拼音不能传递任何关于“山”的形象,而只有他们日常生活中常见的有关山的词语才能帮助其了解该景点,故此处将其译为“Tiantai mountain ”更为合理。除此之外,在该风景区我们赫然发现“景区门票优惠公示栏”的对应译文为“Ticket for GongShiLan Scenic Prefereatial”,我们仍旧抛开译文的其他部分,单独就公示栏的公示翻译而论,这样直接使用拼音的翻译难以令人接受的,更何况是外国游客,在进行公示语翻译的时候我们需要考虑翻译作品的对象,切不可不知如何翻译就干脆使用拼音。


        在公示语翻译过程中,翻译术语的不匹配,不仅不能使翻译作品达到预期的效果,反而会造成曲解。在天台山的实景游览过程中,发现景点“千年樱桃”的公示语英译为“Centuries Cherry ”。既然是千年,那此处的“centuries ”一词就显得有些翻译欠妥,更准确来说是术语不匹配。而参照“千年发展目标”的翻译“Millennium Development Goal”,笔者认为将“千年樱桃”翻译成“Millennium Cherry”则更为准确。在公示语的翻译过程中,我们应更注重翻译的准确性,不能将翻译对象模糊化,尤其是在公示语翻译时,更应注重术语匹配。


        考虑到不同民族、不同国家间的文化背景间的差异性,公示语英语翻译,应注重尊重不同的文化习惯和传统。而导致文化不兼容的主要原因在于译者对不同文化的误解甚至是无知。比如说龙(dragon ),尽管龙(dragon )在中西方文化都存在,但其象征意义却大相径庭。在中国,龙(dragon )是褒义词,其既是权势、高贵、尊荣的象征,又是幸运和成功的标志。但西方人对龙(dragon )的联想和看法则大不一样,龙(dragon )在西方是贬义词,是邪恶的象征。在景区门票优惠栏中出现了deformity 一词,经查证deformity 一词在英汉牛津高阶词典中的英文释义为“in condition in which a part of the body is not the normal shape because of injury,illness or because it has grown wrongly”,但凡西方读者都觉得有侮辱的意



        语气不和谐是由于公示语翻译的信息度过强或过弱,或语用不当所致。在景区门票优惠公示栏条款中,“持退休证的老人”的公示语翻译为“Elderly people retire card holders”。很明显景区工作人员给出的译文是不符合逻辑的,而其中用“elderly people”来表示老人语气上则显得稍微不和谐。如大众经常在公交车上看到的老弱孕残席一样,对于这些特殊词语我们在公示翻译过程中语气应尽量协调。笔者认为用“senior citizen ”来表示老人则显尊重之意,语气较为和谐。


        3. 规范公示语翻译应对策略











        4. 结束语



        [1]王颖,吕和发,公示语汉英翻译[M ],中国出版集团,中国对外出版公司,2007.5

        [2]程尽能,吕和发,旅游翻译理论[M ],清华大学出版社,2008.6

        [3]傅海英,旅游景区公示语翻译规范化研究 [J], 商业研究,2010.3


        [5]孙志永,旅游景区公示语英译现存问题及改进建议 [J], 赤峰学院学报,2012.11

        [6]杨义豪,旅游景区公示语翻译存在的问题及改进策略 [J], 翻译研究 ,2010.4


       Chengdu from the hotel's European business concept design, construction four-star hotel is the most romantic emotional appeal and humanistic care boutique hotel.

       Tiger escape hotel is located in chengdu gourmet paradise -- the road, west sheep sheep west food, sichuan dynamic world name brand of food.

       According to the five-star hotel rooms are prepared for free allocation, ADSL interface, toilet USES international fashion trend - shower and bath crock, more human nature design concept, sanitary ware, and use of American five-star hotel unanimous esteem KOHLER GROHE and Germany brand bathroom. All kinds of suite equipped with KOHLER surfing bathtub and more CALO Turkey, sauna room its European style and alone.

       Tiger escape district, 12 meters high, enjoy sunshine glass building with flowers of freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting, 12 deluxe rooms, leisure, tea, chess members surprises and fun.

       Drunk wine on porch sichuan alone, and outdoor garden design, excellent cuisine, integrated, enjoy the world were full of food.

       Emperor Aaron hotel is invested by sichuan for Aaron, international four-star standard design and decoration of fine wine shop, business center located in chengdu lively commercial xian road, 110. The geographical position is superior, the traffic is convenient, can from famous scenic spot, the harmonica, green lane, width temple palace only 15 minutes from the sheep. Hotel adornment luxuriant elegance, function facilities, with room 184. Dining-room, multi-function hall, ticket booking center hard thing is the domestic and foreign guests, tourism, business affairs office, the ideal hotel.

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       In recent years, as society progresses, the rapid development of the domestic aviation industry, airlines for ticketing management requirements also increase. Therefore, online flight booking system is query information through the network, for ticket inquiries, e-commerce ordering system. Booking in the booking transaction process plays an important role in the design and implementation of a complete booking system will provide passengers with a fast, convenient booking channels to promote the development of the aviation industry is very important. To achieve air ticketing information management system implementation, so that automate cumbersome become a top priority.

        How effective and efficient management of air ticket is the key. Need to discuss booking system development process and related technology, the use of Visual Basic 6.0 as front development tools, programming flexibility and efficient. SQL Server as the backend database, with a strong security management, combined with practical projects ticketing system functional requirements and business process analysis. Booking system on a larger scale, involving a wide range of requirements in the implementation process of parallel development of multiple subsystems, which the robustness of the system architecture, scalability, very high requirements. The overall objective of the design are: the database and the advanced development platforms, the use of existing software and hardware configuration will develop an easy expansion, easy maintenance, security and stability, with good human-computer interaction Interface booking management system for airlines to provide accurate, precise, rapid booking management information. N layer based VB system to establish a distributed architecture to meet the rapid development of aviation industry trends, as well as airline ticketing provides intelligent management system. Air ticket to overcome the traditional management of the cumbersome, time-consuming drawback, making the airline ticket and more efficient management of change

       How to Send an E-mail?

       When you want to write an e-mail to someone, the most important thing you should do is send an e-mail. Now I am going to tell you how to send it. You just do as following steps:

       1.Turn on the computer and connect to the Internet.

       2. Choose the e-mail botton. Sometimes you can see a picture of an envelope or a letter, please click on it. You'll find some pictures and words, it's the e-mail "menu".

       3. Click on "compose/send".

       4. Click on "to", then type the address of the person you want him or her to recieve an e-mail.

       3.Click on"subject".Type a few words to discribe your message.

       4.Click on"message".It's a big and empty box.You can type what you want to see.

       5.Click on"send".Congratulations! Your message will be sent to the person you adress.
