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简介长白山景区英文介绍_长白山景区英文介绍简短       今天,我将与大家共同探讨长白山景区英文介绍的今日更新,希望我的介绍能为有需要的朋友提供一些参考和建议。1.长白山天池英文说







       Tianchi Lake in the Changbai Mountain


       Changbai Mountain Heenly Lake




       Improving the quality of services, tourism grasp the building of the contingent.

       "Services" as the tourism industry "software" building is of paramount importance. On the tourism industry, the service itself is a kind of culture. Spain in 1998 had received 70 million foreign tourists trips, of which 47 million tourists to stay overnight, creating a record high, making it more than France to become Europeans preferred tourist destination. Spain rapid development of tourism know-how is one of the tourism sector for the various types of training courses, improving the quality of services, improve the sense of service. Here, all tourism-related businesses, hotels, restaurants, regardless of who is responsible for, guided tours, or lobby foreman, attendants, receivables and other staff, must participate in training before ointment.

       Therefore, creating a strong contingent of trel services, is the development of the necessary conditions for the tourism industry and urgent. Changbai Mountain and the current protected areas with a contingent of tour guides are not, trel services, there are a lot of unsatisfactory, team-building and quality of service to be strengthened.

       Speed up the trel products in particular, the development of tourism souvenirs.

       Tourism in the "purchase" is one of six elements, but in practice they often ignored. In fact, tourism product development is a great potential for the industry, who trel to a place, and do not want to give their friends and relatives to buy a few pieces for the price, many characteristics of the souvenirs it. The Changbai Mountains tourist area has its own characteristics is the lack of tourist items, the variety is less, and some is sold raw materials, let alone that there are violations of the law protected areas (such as the sale Bulao Cao, Rhodiola, Paozi angle, such as rules on the protection of the Fauna and Flora), and souvenir prices were too high, and so on.

       In fact, the Changbai Mountain area is vast in territory, rich products, tourism product development has great potential. Should be in-depth investigation on the basis of market demand, accelerate the development of tourism products, tourism product mix adjustment, increase the proportion of tourism income of goods. It is necessary to improve tourism products, souvenirs, tou and health supplements the deep-seated development, rational distribution of trel products sales outlets as soon as possible with the introduction of a group of wealthy, gifted, special, new tourism products and continuously improve the tourism industry Comprehensive benefits.

       Winter tourism is the development of Changbai Mountain tourism to a new level of hope.

       Over the years, the Changbai Mountain, "2001 tourism year among" the Kunrao. As the summer trel concentrated in a short period of three or four months, resulting in winter and spring tourism resources, facilities and a great waste of idle, and the high cost of trel, scare off potential tourists, and other issues. Changbai Mountain tourism to a new level, the hope is to speed up the development of winter ice and snow tourism.

       Changbai Mountain is a unique singularity of the snow scenery and unique conditions of snow and ice sports entertainment. Here a year as long as nine months of snow-covered period, a long period of snow, snow quality, and the number of snow 145 days, the number of 258 days of snow, snow depth of 1-2 meters, the vast snow-Ai Ai Lin Hai, in ski sports Sports and recreational activities ice and snow provided a good natural venues, with strong winter tourism advantages. Especially here in Changbai Mountain State plateau snow base, the development of skiing and other winter tourism has unique conditions.

       In developed countries, golf, tennis, skiing is a popular three elegant movement, the first two movements of economic conditions, national policies and site constraints, the most likely popular skiing. According to experts, ice and snow tourism is to make money. Last year, the month-long Harbin Ice and Snow Festival, has attracted 250,000 Chinese and foreign tourists, including 50,000 overseas tourists, tourism revenue of about 500 million yuan. The French Alps, in the past are poverty-stricken areas, but from the development of ski resorts he become wealthier areas. Heilongjiang Yabuli ski resort in tourism income is also impressive.

       The development of winter ice and snow tourism, need to make great efforts to solve the winter ice and snow tourism activities, the conditions for the reception, accommodation, transport and other issues, in particular to do a good job skiing infrastructure construction, building projects to international standards in line, a high-quality and Scientific management. The so-called international standard is not necessarily large, but in light of local conditions, ingenious and unique design. In recent years, through the joint efforts of relevant departments, including the Changbai Mountains in Jilin Province, the first dawn of the winter tourism show, but to really trel in the winter, there are quite a long way to go.

       Dear Sam,I'm e-mailing to describe what I think of the weather.

        I live in ChangBaiShan with my grandparents since I was five .So I konw a lot about the weather of ChangBaiShan .The weather of ChangBaiShan is changeable .Because of the changeable weather ,the view of ChangBaiShan is very beautiful.If the weather is cloudy ,I think it is a great chance to visit ChangBaiShan ,because the weather is cool and make us feel good .If the weather is rainy ,Oh ,I think it is a terrible weather ,it will make us feel dull .Or if the weather is snowy ,wow ,I think it is pretty good !In winter ,we can see beutiful snow view at ChangBaiShan !But if the snowy is very big ,I think it is no good ,because when we out ,the big snow will make a big trouble !

        Welcome to ChangBaiShan![(⊙v⊙)嗯.最后这句也可以不要的.]



